Spectral Labs has kicked off an SBIR Phase I DHS program today Topic H-SB09.2-005, “Novel Diagnostic Imaging System” for C-IED. The six month program has been titled the “Next Generation IED Diagnostic Imaging System (NG-IDIS)”.
The overarching program objective is to find a technology or technologies that can be realized in a Portable IED Imaging System that 1) reduces the bomb technician’s Time on Target, 2) minimizes proximity to the target, and 3) can support all downrange operations in one trip. As there currently exists a specific need for improved diagnostics for Vehicle Borne Improvised Explosive Devices (VBIEDs), the system must additionally be able provide capabilities not currently available to the bomb technician, such as:
– determine if a vehicle is empty
– if it is not empty determine where the load(s) are within the vehicle
– provide additional information about the nature of the load(s) to support response decision making